Both small and large industrial companies experience crises and other events and incidents. These should be handled both as efficiently and simplistically as possible. We'll tailor the system to suit your needs.
Use us for incident reporting, that is for reporting crises and incidents in a closed forum with conference calls and mass communication possibilities. A dashboard combines the recommended modules and provides management with a solid, up-to-date overview and support for making the best possible decisions. You can set up controls to suit the different types of incidents with the possibility of ad hoc additions and removal of tasks. Access levels are differentiated so that some have no access, others just have read access, while others again can manage incidents and/or tasks.
Our system is SaaS-based, meaning that we'll take care of the hosting, and you can choose the modules that provide the best support for your organization. Of course, we help you get started with setup and implementation.
We make a virtue of being able to integrate in the best possible way with other systems, such as our mass communication, which can both communicate using different media and subsequently receive responses and show structured answers in the system. We also have integration against public authorities, service providers, etc.
Allows at the same time to monitor and work on multiple levels of information relating to a given situation.
Make quick contact at crisis situations or scheduled events.
Information - Alarm - Evacuation - Mobile employees.
We have over 20 local phone numbers registered around the world to ensure the reception and sending of answers when using telephony.
Obtain a common basis for decisions by quickly gathering relevant people.
Status meeting - Crisis - Ad hoc management and board meeting - Project meeting - Information meeting.