
Daily Use

‎Fewer Errors in Vehicle Error Reports and Automatic Notification to the Relevant Responsible‎(s)

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‎With our vehicle error reports, you are guided as a reporter to be able to select only the vehicles that are available and active at each location/category. The equipment list is the same for all vehicles.‎

‎When reporting and updating the error message, the person(s) set up to receive mail and/or SMS for that particular location are notified.‎

‎As an administrator, the setup can easily be changed in a separate widget: Specify the recipients and mode of communication of each location, set up vehicles, and adjust the general equipment list.‎

‎Intuitive Library for Easy, Role-based File Sharing‎

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‎Easily upload or download one or more files. Specify map location for viewing on GIS maps. Create buttons that point directly to a shared file in the administration part.‎

‎Note that read and change rights are configured on each library in the administration part.‎

Easily Add Targeted News

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‎Here's how to quickly add a news item to a specific news list.‎

‎Only those who have the rights to add news to a list have the option.‎

‎Overview of Team Roles with the Role Status Widget‎

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‎Does your organization have dynamically changing crews with different responsibilities?‎

‎With our role status widget, you get a quick overview of the current crew - and you can easily take and unassign roles.‎

‎Please note that as a user you must have the right set up so that not everyone can inadvertently take on an irrelevant role.‎

Administration and Configuration

Dashboard Editing

Introduction to how to edit a dashboard

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The options for adding items - widgets - to dashboards are briefly introduced. Among other things, the video shows how to add a button and an image when you are inside the editing mode of a dashboard.‎

‎We also briefly touch on the possibility of designing by screen sizes, so that the display on e.g. a tablet makes the best use of space.‎

‎Creating and switching between dashboards is described in a later video.‎

Dashboard Editing

Introduction to how to edit a dashboard

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The options for adding items - widgets - to dashboards are briefly introduced. Among other things, the video shows how to add a button and an image when you are inside the editing mode of a dashboard.‎

‎We also briefly touch on the possibility of designing by screen sizes, so that the display on e.g. a tablet makes the best use of space.‎

‎Creating and switching between dashboards is described in a later video.‎

Dashboards: RSS Feeds

How to easily add an RSS feed

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See here how to quickly add an RSS feed - with the possibility to add links and define precisely which information to display, and where

Dashboards: Document Management

Intuitive library with role-driven access

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See how document management is used to easily upload, specify an address to display on GIS maps, how to download multiple simultaneous documents, and more. See also how to set up the library with role-controlled access.